Culture and Society: Interactions


Magazines from 1930 - 1945

Magazine covers in the 1930s exhibited the beauty of the era. Hats were glorious, as was the hair they were covering. The model gracing the cover always had the most beautiful, plump lips – nothing like the over-collagenated lips you see today. Shown is a cover from Marie Claire, circa 1937, the first female fashion magazine (Thomas, 2005).

Time Magazine was first published in 1923 as a summary for “busy men” to stay current (History of TIME, 2008). Elizabeth Helm graces the cover of Time magazine in the August 21, 1939 edition. Eleanor was on Olympic champion, who was in her home state of New York to perform in the New York World’s Fair.

From the founders of Time, Life was born. Life magazine was first published in 1937. The photos were astounding as were the articles. For several decades, Life was published weekly. It was later published semiannually, and now is published monthly (History of Life, 2005).

The foregoing are just a few examples of the iconic culture imparted by way of the magazine. Each has evolved to keep up with the changing times, yet stayed true to the philosophies that made it so popular.

By: Paula Lambert

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